The EFI Accreditation Page
Since the start of the EFI accreditation program in 1995, more than 190 laboratories have received EFI accreditation.

Accreditation Pages
- Contact the EFI Accreditation Office – Details of how to contact the EFI Offices, includes postal and visitors address
- Contact the EFI Accreditation Chairperson – Details of how to contact the EFI Accreditation Chair, includes postal address
- Commissioners and Inspectors – A detailed list of all commisioners and inspectors and the regions they represent
- EFI Accredited Laboratories – A searchable list of all accredited laboraties
- Download Files – A number of files are provided by the Accreditiation committee for you to download. These include;
- Instructions for Applicants
- Application Packet A
- EFI Accreditation Categories
- Accreditation Program Procedures
- Inspection Checklist
- Standardised Inspection Report
- Evaluation of the Accreditation Program and Proposals for Changes in EFI Standards
- Rules for Proficiency Testing
- Rules for Proficiency Testing – The Committee for External Proficiency Testing has provided the documents covering the application and requirements for external proficiency testing, these are now located in the Members Section on the website.
Downloads for Inspectors
A number of documents have been provided for members of the Education Committee for EFI Inspectors. These documents are password protected and restricted to EFI Inspectors.
- Index of downloads available